There are emergency procedures in place in multiple states due to extreme weather. >>Learn More

Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through April 30, 2025. >>Learn More

Also, you have until April 30 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Services

Outpatient Medical Records / Patient Administration

We maintain outpatient medical records for all non-flying active duty personnel, family members, and retirees and family members. Registers patients in MHS GENESIS.

Outprocessing from the 92 Medical Group

Administrative Items

  • For permanent change of station (PCS), separation, or retirement: bring a hard copy of the orders to Medical Records to be signed off in the vMPF.
  • For separation or retirement only: If a copy of your medical records is needed/wanted, visit Medical Records to submit and sign the request.  We recommend that you submit this request at least 30 days prior to your departure due to the high volume of requests.  One digital copy (disk) will be provided.


If you’re PCSing:

You only need to call TRICARE after you arrive at your new assignment.
  • If you move to another area in the TRICARE West Region, you only need to change your primary care manager.
  • If you move to the TRICARE East Region or overseas, call your new regional contractor when you arrive to transfer your enrollment.
Follow the guidelines below if you need care while traveling to your new duty station:
  • If you have an emergency and visit an emergency room, tell them to file the claim with the TRICARE West Region. 
  • If you need urgent care, find the nearest TRICARE Network Urgent Care Center. Call the Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-TRICARE (1-800-874-2273) for assistance.
    • Family members don’t need a referral for urgent care. 
    • Active duty service members must have a referral. Call the Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-TRICARE (1-800-874-2273), option 1, for assistance.

If you’re separating:

  • Your TRICARE coverage ends on the first day you’re separated.
  • You may be eligible for the Transition Assistance Management Program.
  • To learn more and see if you qualify, visit the TRICARE website.

If you’re retiring:

  • While on Skill Bridge or terminal leave, you can’t enroll in or be assigned a PCM in a different location if you have left the Fairchild area. 
  • Your care will have to be coordinated through your PCM here at the 92 MDG until you’re officially retired.
  • Family members can enroll in a different TRICARE region and be assigned a PCM while the sponsor is on Skill Bridge or Terminal Leave.
  • Once you’ve officially retired, no matter if you relocated to a new location or stayed in the Spokane area, you must re-enroll in TRICARE due the change in status from active duty to retired. If you have family members, you must re-enroll them as well.
    • TRICARE Prime enrollment fees will apply.
    • You can choose to enroll in TRICARE Select.
    • If you want to keep TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Select with no break in coverage, you must re-enroll within 90 days after your retirement date.
    • If there were referrals in place for specialty care for the sponsor or family members, new referrals will need to be requested and approved due to the change in status of the retiring member.

TRICARE Resources

Contact Us



Benefits Counselor Assistance Coordinator





7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Closed the third Wednesday of every month from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for training.


Building 9000, Room 109

TRICARE Resources

By Region

TRICARE West Region
TRICARE East Region
TRICARE Overseas
Eurasia-Africa (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
+44-20-8762-8384 (Overseas)
1-877-678-1207 (Stateside)

Pacific (Japan, Guam, South Korea)
+65-6339-2676 (Overseas)
1-877-678-1208 (Stateside)
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!